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We did it! One of our largest productions to date, and possibly the longest stretch of all-women muralists ever: a juicy 555' stretch of flood wall featuring 43 women artists, created over a long weekend at Paint Louis. Our theme was Forbidden Fruit, where artists could work within the theme literally or symbolically, to convey anything pertaining to fruit.

Alongside 11 crew members: Medusa, Meme, Ursula X Young, Dime, Niz, Keena, Agana, Beth Emmerich, Whims, Polen & Wuna, the wall featured the legendary Lady Pink and Queen Andrea, as well as other female trailblazers of the graffiti world: Femme 9, Erotica and Stef Skilz.

Dizy and Wuna flew in from Europe and women spanning a generation, and at all different stages of their artistic paths joined on this production traveling from Florida, California, Richmond VA, NYC, Chicago, DC, New Jersey, Minneapolis & New Mexico - to name a few! It takes a HUGE amount of work to put something this huge together so we want to especially thank the following folks who jumped in as co-organizers and put in countless hours behind the scenes to make things run smoothly: Sarah Painter, Nico Cathcart, Tibz, Shan, Ms Yellow, Stick 'em up, Resa & Menace - shout out too to the awesome man-friends and partners who supported us on this too! Huge thank you's to our awesome volunteers who went out of their way to help us out: Val, Alison, Anne & Kate!

The wall is located at 2300 S Wharf St in St Louis.

A massive thank you to Paint Louis for hosting us we had a blast!

We of course could not have done this without our amazing sponsors, thank you SO much to:

MONSTER ENERGY @monstermusic @monsterenergy

LOOP PAINT @loopcolors.usa

INFAMY ART @infamyart

STICKEMUP @stickemupinc

BENJAMIN MOORE @benjaminmoore

EAST SIDE ARTS ALLIANCE @eastsidecultural

FLANAGAN PAINT @flanaganpaintstl

36th ART 

MAD HIPPIE @madhippiebeauty

SUPERIOR @spcsjca

2nd SHIFT BREWING @2ndshiftbrewing

EARTH BOUND BEER @earthboundbeer 

BUD & LATHER @hiphopsoap

(full list of artists are below the photo gallery)

Thank you to our participating artists:

Few & Far crew artists:

Featured artists:

Guest Artists:

SARAH PAINTER @sarahpainter

NICO CATHCART @nicocathcart

TIBZ @_tibzz

STONE @tri__state__stone

SHAN @shananagan1

MS. YELLOW @MsYellowArt

PHEM9 @fem_nine

DIZY @dizyone

MARS @Sick_qirl

STEF SKILS @stefskills


VIDA @_steel_carz

CHROMAJ @Chromaj

HER @her.loveletters

RESA @menaceresa

RITA @eyethee

SUEÑO @tengo.suen0

GABY @monkey_d_gabby

SORY @_sorry.bout.that_

KIND @artistic.kind

ANDI @MissAndiOne

GIZM @just_jizm

WINGCHOW @wing.chow

MISS LUSHY @misslushy

SANTO SAMURAI @santo_samurai


MOKA @_moka213

TEAL @kritr.marks

SOLAS @wu.mamii

TAOR @towersmusings

Beyond Housing@beyondhousing

Photo credit : Alison Reiheld and many other artists/photographers!


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